Its been a while since I've hosted a Guest Blog but I'm delighted that Dayspring Macleod, a freelance writer with a growing reputation was willing to pen some very honest thoughts about parenting. If you want to read more of Daysprings writings check out her blog 'The Reliable Narrator' here. Over to Dayspring:
I write
for a Christian magazine, and each month the editor sends me an email asking
for my column. Well, sometimes I’m ready for him and sometimes I’m still
percolating an idea, but last month when I got his email I looked back in my
mental files and thought: I’ve got
Oh, it’s not that God hadn’t been
speaking to me throughout the past few weeks. It had been a month of realising
my weakness. Repeatedly.
Like when the three-year-old was going
through a period of particular defiance, coinciding with my own period of
particular impatience, and the baby’s period of learning how to hit really
hard. That was when I realised I need God’s strength to be a parent, and I need
the humility of asking for help and advice and even criticism. There were days
when my primary ‘thanksgiving’ was ‘thank you the day is over’.
And when I realised that the
renovations on our house are not going to take place as soon as I had hoped,
meaning that I also won’t be going home to America as soon as I had hoped. That
was when I realised that I need to submit to God’s plans, not try to push mine
Incumbent on this was realising that I
will only see my parents for four full days this year. My parents are getting
older. So are my kids. The separation hurts, if possible, more every time we
say goodbye. So I made a conscious decision to give thanks for the brief period
we would have together rather than mourning the time we didn’t have. A
resolution that went out the window the second they left for the airport.
And then there were the long
interruptions in the night when the baby was waking up for an hour each night with
eczema. There was the almost complete lack of freelance work for weeks at a
time. There was the discouragement and anxiety and feelings of helplessness
when I saw people I’ve been praying for for years taking backward steps.
There were the unanswered emails, the
writer’s block, the lack of time and sleep, the repetition of housework, the
conviction of sin and scariness of repentance, the worry, the failure.
But enough about me…
Just as I was writing out my
litany of woes, I read an article pointing out that, in a testimony, Jesus
should always be the subject of the story.
Do you know what kind of story sees ME
as the subject? A story with a God-shaped hole. One where ME is relying on her
own strength to get through the parenting crisis, the worries, the exhaustion,
the goodbyes, even the repentance. And since mine is not even a particularly
hard life, just an ordinary life, I’m sure many of you have been to this place
too. I wouldn’t say it’s as bad as a Slough of Despond. More a Slog of Despond.
We’re just slogging along some months. We’re reading, we’re praying. We’re just
not relying. We have faith that he’s there, just not faith that he’ll help.
What if there was abundance? What if
some miracle-worker came along one day and said ‘Excuse me, dear, that’s too
heavy for you. Give it here – I’ll carry it. No, ALL of it – all or nothing!
goodbyes are hard…I’ll tell you what, would it help if you knew a day was
coming when you wouldn’t have to do that again? And I know it’s scary not
having work; but you’re a full-time mum. If you’re working all the time, when
would you get to rest? I’ll take care of the shortfall, don’t worry about that.
‘It certainly is hard to see people
you love struggling in life – but you’re not their provider, and you’re not
their Holy Spirit. I Am. You keep talking to me about them, and if I want to use
you in their lives, I’ll go with you, and I’ll give you the words.
‘Too heavy for me? You want to take it
back? No, this yoke is mine. Just remember one thing. Look for Me. If this is
my burden, this is my story.’
Jeremiah 33:6 ‘I will…heal them, and reveal to them the
abundance of peace.’