Thursday 6 October 2016

God's Love in the Flames

My good friend Pall Singh recently shared this devotion.  Pall Singh represents Cinnamon Network in Scotland. He works for Bethany Christian Trust in Edinburgh as the coordinator for ‘Passing the Baton’, which supports churches to befriend and engage with people who are socially isolated and lonely in their communities. Since 1997 Pall has worked with CMS as a Mission Partner and East West Trust enabling Churches in Birmingham towards a better understanding of South Asian cultures and working in the diverse communities.

Two years ago I had the privilege of doing some research in India on the life a great Indian Christian, Sadhu Sundar Singh. Like Jesus he spoke to people through parables and real life stories about the amazing love of God. The Sadhu often travelled to the great mountain ranges of Asia and on one his journeys, this is what he experienced:  

“Once, as I travelled through the Himalayas, there was a great forest fire. Everyone was frantically trying to fight the fire, but I noticed a group of men standing and looking up into a tree that was about to go up in flames. When I asked them what they were looking at, they pointed up at a nest full of young birds. Above it, the mother bird was circling wildly in the air and calling out warnings to her young ones. There was nothing she or we could do, and soon the flames started climbing up the branches. As the nest caught fire, we were all amazed to see how the mother bird reacted. Instead of flying away from the flames, she flew down and settled on the nest, covering her little ones with her wings. The next moment, she and her nestlings were burnt to ashes. None of us could believe our eyes. I turned to those standing by and said: “We have witnessed a truly marvellous thing. God created that bird with such love and devotion, that she gave her life trying to protect her young”.

The God that we serve through our work at Bethany Christian Trust reaches down to people and sees their pain and suffering. He did more than that.  He sent Jesus to experience the pain and suffering that we deserved so we could be forgiven and set free from our sin.  God will never turn his back on us nor abandon us. 

May God continue to use us to bring a sense of hope and happiness to individuals and families in our communities.

Remember your work is not in vain but little by little God’s Spirit is in the process of transforming lives in Scotland.

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them”.
Hebrews 6:10

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